04 June 2008



Stupid SO site.. SLOWWW.. BROKen.. grr!

Anyway, with that all said and done, i've been hangin out at Sunshine Studios and Scrap Orchard. Trying to get that fancy "So SUNny" kit that everyone's been ranting and raving about. It's great, i'm halfway done.. Scrap orchard is either way over loaded with people or their site needs some major reconstruction.. It takes 20 minutes for a page to load and i've been working on the hunt for about an hour now and i've gotten 3 clues.. sheesh..

Guess i'll just have to be patient.

1 comment:

GingerScraps said...

Hi Jillian, did you get the e-mail sent out last night?? It said that due to the fact they are way overloaded and everything is running SO slow they are give the code to you. Do you want me to tell you want it is?? I actually got both kits like the first two hours they were up so I have both codes I will be happy to give them both to you. Let me now... I don't want to post them just in case you want to find them yourself... Ok, talk to you soon. Ginger