09 June 2008

I've Been Tagged

I was tagged by the great Miss Ginger at Ginger Scraps.

Seven completely random things about me:

  1. I used to just love that japanese animation called anime, I would sit on my couch and watch it for hours.
  2. My favorite movie is "My Father the Hero".
  3. I love to take pictures in my spare time, or at work, or while i'm supose to be doing housework.
  4. I've only been scrapping since March '08.
  5. I hate peas.
  6. I love strawberries.
  7. And, last but not least, when I was younger (I'm 25 now) I thought scrapbooking was 'stupid' and a 'waste of time', so I never got into it. Now you can't keep me away from the stuff.

Alright, so I best be sending this off to 7 other great random people so here goes:

Wow, that was hard!! I need to meet some more people! Well everyone, I hope you had a great time! I'm looking forward to learning something new about you behind the scrap.


Vicki said...

Hi Jillian - thanks for tagging me, but I've done this one twice already ;o) - I'm running out of random facts! Perhaps I'll leave a few weeks and do it then. Vicki x

Amy said...

LOL, you stinker! Haha! I was already tagged a week or so ago and no one wants to know more wierd stuff about me. ROFL! But I will link to your blog on my blog tomorrow! Deal?

BTW< I do love your blog and this is HONEST CC, your layouts are fantastic!

Amber said...

Hey, thanks for the tag! This was a lot of fun. I posted my 7 random facts on my blog. :-)